The Biggest Myths About Boudoir

One of the biggest lies we hear about Boudoir... You have to have a “perfect” body to do it! False! 

You don't need to lose weight. Embracing your body and learning self-love is what we strive for. We won't try to Photoshop every single thing you hate about yourself, although we might remove that tattoo with your ex's name on it if you ask us to. Instead, we work around big 'no-nos' with flattering posing and lighting. You don't need to change a single thing about yourself! This is a wonderful way to show you how gorgeous you truly are. 

Another huge myth about Boudoir: They're just raunchy photos.

It's so much more than that. Of course, if you want raunchy photos we can make that happen. Boudoir is an experience that teaches body empowerment and celebrating the skin you're in. 

Fact: You don't have to do Boudoir as a gift to your partner. Do it for yourself! It's all about self-worth and investing in YOU. A Boudoir shoot will show you how beautiful you really are.

Did you know you don't have to tell anyone or show anyone you did Boudoir if you're not comfortable with it? We will keep you confidential if you prefer. Nobody has to know if you don't want them to. It can be private, or you can share it! The choice is yours. 

Another huge fib we often hear about Boudoir:

Only women can do it. NO! Any person should definitely look into Boudoir. ALL bodies are loved!

There is no such thing as the perfect Boudoir body. All bodies are loved!

And another myth: I’m too old so I can’t do a Boudoir shoot.

Anyone can do it. You are never too old for Boudoir. There is no such thing as a perfect body. It's time to delete these negative thoughts out of your head.

You've heard all the myths about doing Boudoir. You might be scared of what others might think if they find out you did a session. But regardless, why not do it... simply for the fact you might enjoy it? And what's so scary about having fun and loving yourself?

You might even enjoy it too much, that you book another session. Maybe so much so, you book sessions throughout the year. In fact, my biggest collection package already includes a second shoot!

To make a change and to just go for it, is by booking. Book it and prepare. Take it day by day. You'll know exactly why everyone falls for Boudoir when it comes go-time. 

You WILL look beautiful, and you have people who support your decision and boudoir journey. What would it hurt?

Matching yourself with the right professional photographer will be your best guide throughout it all. We are here to make you comfortable and to believe in yourself. Before, during, and after your photo shoot, you'll be so glad you finally made the move. 

Stuart McConaghy

Hello, I'm Stuart McConaghy, owner and photographer at Elm City Boudoir. As a devoted husband, pet parent, and former professional drummer, I bring a unique perspective to capturing your essence through my lens. Currently training as a sound bath therapist, I look forward to providing you with a memorable and empowering photography experience.

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