Boudoir, Lifestyle, Inspiration Stuart McConaghy Boudoir, Lifestyle, Inspiration Stuart McConaghy

Get Ready to Shine: 6 Fun Tips for Your Picture-Perfect Boudoir Session!

Hey there, Boudoir Beauties! Ready to rock your upcoming photoshoot? We've got you covered with some playful yet practical tips to ensure your Session day is nothing short of fabulous. From hydrating like a pro to catching those all-important Z's, we've got the inside scoop on prepping for your close-up. Let's dive in and get you set for a sensational boudoir experience!

So, you've got your Boudoir session booked, and the excitement is building as the big day approaches. You might be wondering, "What do I need to do to get ready for my photoshoot?" Well, let's chat about some fun tips to make sure your Session day is an absolute blast!

  1. Stay Hydrated

    Keep that water flowing! Hydration isn't just good for the inside; it gives your skin that healthy glow that shines through in photos.

  2. Catch Some Z's

    While a full night's sleep might be wishful thinking, make sure to get plenty of rest. It'll help keep those under-eye bags at bay and have you looking fresh for your session.

  3. Tread Lightly with Tanning

    Skip the spray tan if you can help it. They can be a bit of a nightmare on camera, leaving you looking patchy. If you must, schedule it a few days beforehand and cross your fingers for an even tan!

  4. Timing is Everything for Hair Removal

    Give yourself a few days between your waxing or shaving appointment and your Session day. No one wants those pesky razor bumps stealing the show in your photos!

  5. Sip Wisely

    Love your wine? Opt for white wine instead of red on Session day to avoid any teeth staining. Cheers to keeping that smile sparkling!

  6. Mindful Choices

    Hold off on the wake 'n' bake before your session to keep those eyes bright and clear. What you do after is totally up to you, my friend!

With these laid-back tips in mind, you'll be all set for an amazing boudoir experience. Let's make your Session day one to remember, filled with laughter, confidence, and stunning photos!

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Boudoir, Lifestyle Stuart McConaghy Boudoir, Lifestyle Stuart McConaghy

Why You Should Book a Boudoir Session for Three: Your Past, Present, and Future Self

In a world that often demands us to look outward for validation, there's incredible power in turning the lens inward, embracing our journey, and celebrating our essence. Boudoir photography offers a unique opportunity to do just that – to honor the past, cherish the present, and envision the future through a lens of self-love and empowerment.

Honoring Your Past Self

Your past self has carried you through every triumph, every challenge, and every moment of growth. She holds the memories of your journey, the lessons learned, and the experiences that have shaped you into who you are today. Booking a boudoir session is a beautiful way to honor her resilience, her courage, and her beauty. It's a chance to acknowledge how far you've come and to celebrate the strength it took to get here.

Embracing Your Present Self

Your present self is a masterpiece in progress – beautifully imperfect, wonderfully flawed, and uniquely you. She deserves to be seen, celebrated, and cherished exactly as she is in this moment. A boudoir session offers a space to embrace your authentic self, to revel in your sensuality, and to capture the essence of who you are right now. It's a powerful reminder that you are enough, just as you are, and that your worth is not defined by society's standards but by the love and acceptance you have for yourself.

Empowering Your Future Self

Your future self is waiting to be written – a blank canvas filled with endless possibilities and untapped potential. She is the culmination of your dreams, your aspirations, and your deepest desires. By booking a boudoir session, you're not just capturing moments; you're planting seeds of empowerment for the woman you're becoming. You're declaring to yourself and to the universe that you are worthy of love, of joy, and of living life on your own terms. It's a declaration of self-love that will resonate far beyond the confines of a photograph, inspiring you to embrace every chapter of your journey with grace and confidence.

In a world that often teaches us to seek validation externally, booking a boudoir session for your past, present, and future self is a radical act of self-love and empowerment. It's a celebration of your journey, an embrace of your authenticity, and a declaration of your worthiness. So, why wait? Embrace the power of boudoir photography and embark on a journey of self-discovery that will leave you feeling empowered, inspired, and beautifully seen. Your past, present, and future selves will thank you for it. And La Noctambule is here to help make that happen. Hit the contact link in the menu to book your consultation call today!

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Boudoir, Lifestyle Stuart McConaghy Boudoir, Lifestyle Stuart McConaghy

The Empowering Connection: Boudoir Photography & Reclaiming Your Spirituality.

Boudoir photography, often associated with intimate and sensual images, may seem disconnected from spirituality at first glance. However, beneath the surface lies a powerful connection between boudoir photography and the journey of reclaiming one's spirituality. This essay explores how boudoir photography, with its focus on self-expression, body positivity, and self-acceptance, can serve as a catalyst for individuals seeking to reconnect with their spirituality on a deeper level.

1. Embracing Authenticity and Self-Expression:

Boudoir photography encourages individuals to embrace their authentic selves. By creating a safe and empowering space, it allows people to shed societal expectations and embody their true essence. Through the process of capturing intimate and sensual moments, individuals can explore and express their desires, vulnerabilities, and sensuality. This act of self-expression can be a gateway to reclaiming spirituality, as it fosters self-awareness and honors the sacredness within.

2. Honoring the Body as a Temple:

Reclaiming spirituality often involves recognizing the body as a vessel for the soul's experience. Boudoir photography celebrates the beauty and uniqueness of every body, regardless of conventional standards. By participating in a boudoir photoshoot, individuals can learn to embrace their bodies with love, compassion, and acceptance. This journey towards body positivity allows for a deeper connection to one's physical form, enabling individuals to view their bodies as sacred and divine creations worthy of reverence.

3. Cultivating Self-Love and Empowerment:

Boudoir photography can be a transformative experience that fosters self-love and empowerment. Through the lens of a boudoir photographer, individuals are encouraged to see themselves through a lens of self-acceptance and appreciation. This process encourages individuals to let go of insecurities and embrace their unique qualities, nurturing a positive relationship with themselves. Reclaiming spirituality often involves cultivating self-love, and boudoir photography can serve as a powerful tool on this journey.

4. Embodying Vulnerability and Authentic Connection:

Reclaiming spirituality often requires delving into vulnerable aspects of oneself and fostering authentic connections with others. Boudoir photography, when approached with the right intentions, can create a space for individuals to explore their vulnerability and foster deeper connections. By sharing these intimate images, individuals can cultivate a sense of trust and vulnerability, not only with themselves but also with their chosen audience. This act of vulnerability can open the door to deeper connections, allowing individuals to tap into the spiritual essence of themselves and others.

The connection between boudoir photography and reclaiming spirituality may not be immediately apparent, but the journey of self-expression, body positivity, self-love, and vulnerability that boudoir photography facilitates aligns with the essence of spirituality. Through the lens of boudoir photography, individuals can embark on a transformative journey that encourages self-acceptance, connection, and the reclamation of their spiritual essence. By embracing their authentic selves and honoring their bodies, individuals can forge a deeper connection with their spirituality, leading to personal growth, healing, and a renewed sense of empowerment. Our mission statement at Elm City Boudoir is to strive to help you on your journey, feel free to contact us and let’s chat about your Boudoir shoot today!

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Lifestyle Stuart McConaghy Lifestyle Stuart McConaghy

About Mental Health & Giving Life Meaning

Let's talk about mental health for a bit, and discuss why it's important to look out for yourself.

Earlier this year, my mental health hit rock bottom. I had a nervous breakdown. Full-blown panic attack, trembling, crying, body seizing up, the works. It was long overdue, to be honest, but sometimes you have to hit rock bottom before you can begin your climb. I make no secret that I have mental health issues. I have depression, my mind works against me a lot of times, and what some people may view as lazy is me actually feeling paralyzed. I'm scared, and I have been scared since I was a little kid. And getting older ain't helping.

I just turned 50. Now, media will have us believe that your twenties are the highlight of your life, and if that’s not your experience you’re doing something wrong. You’re supposed to feel insatiable, absorbing experience after experience like a sponge, and have hit your pinnacle before 30. And if you didn't, well, tough luck, buddy, enjoy your mediocrity. Of course all that's bullshit. Many people don't find their true calling until their 50s, 60s, maybe even 70s, I find myself filled with desire and hunger. The desire to experience. The desire to live. The desire to feel alive. in fact, a feeling that I share with many of the women I photograph.

I know I’m not alone in this, we derogatorily call this the “mid-life crisis,” but living for me is not about status symbols like buying a flashy car and pretend I’m 30 years younger in order to try and date 20 year olds. I think the “mid-life crisis” is actually the realization that most of what you have done up until that moment of realization was a waste of time. Chasing someone else’s aspirations, organizing your life around someone else’s arbitrary rules, and selling your body, heart and soul for way too low a price because we’re scared that if we don’t we might not be able to sell ourselves at all.

To loosely quote Marvin Gaye: This ain't living.

I don’t want to merely exist, I want to live.

I don’t want to merely exist, I want to live. Living is about the thrill of experiencing art. The thrill of seeing how something new makes you feel. The thrill of throwing out the old routines and inventing new traditions. 

Middle of last year I did something I hadn’t done in a long while, I fired up Ableton Live, which is a music production app I used a lot back in my days as a professional musician, and dipped my toes into music again. Now, I haven’t done anything I feel comfortable sharing yet, but I’m doing this with a haphazard approach, a sort of “let’s see what happens if I do this” kind of method, and I ended up rediscovering the thrill of both ambient and techno music. I’m feeling the joy of experimentation leeching into where I want my photography to go, and my brain is overflowing with ideas. I now practically live at the art galleries around me. I want to learn how to make artisanal chocolates. I want to learn how to make French breads and pastries. I have ideas for photo projects well beyond what I do with Boudoir, and folks, if you could see what's in my brain right now, you'd be mashing that Book Now button so hard. I'm not kidding.

Go where your heart wants to go

I think the morale I’m learning is that you need to go where your heart wants to go, consequences be damned. And look out and nurture your mental health, because no one else can do it for you, and once it’s broken it’s fucking hard to heal. Change often hurts. Growth often hurts. But the biggest pain of all is not moving at all.

So rebel, my little ones, and conquer the planet.

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Boudoir, Lifestyle Stuart McConaghy Boudoir, Lifestyle Stuart McConaghy

Women Are Tough As Bricks

Women are tough as bricks. They endure

Clients sit in the hair/makeup chair, hands nervously clasped in their lap, and they tell me stories of what they have endured. These stories never cease to take my breath away:

-Women who are taking care of their parents/siblings

-Women who have had their faces surgically reconstructed after suffering debilitating disease

-Women who have been laid off and are desperately searching for a job that they want, not that they have to settle for

-Women who have given everything to someone who cheated or lied or treated them like shit

-Women who are raising their children by themselves

-Women whose boyfriend, husband, best friend, mom, dad, or child has died and they are swimming in a gut-wrenching pool of grief that threatens to swallow them whole

-Women who are lonely

-Women who are dead broke and the future is uncertain

-Women who are drowning in guilt, shame, sadness

-Women who just want to feel normal. Who have to physically will themselves from their beds. Who battle depression every minute of the day

-Women who are sick. Some who are actively dying and facing leaving young children behind

and women, who on paper haven't endured anything too traumatic, but who grapple daily with just feeling worthy, loved, wanted…..'enough.'

You Aren't Alone

Women are tough as bricks. You all get up every single day, pick up and carry things that feel far too heavy. You persevere. You find a way--sometimes when the entire deck is stacked against you.

And you? You aren't alone. Even when you feel so far away from anyone who could possibly are surrounded by other brick-tough women who are also in the depths of their own valleys, forging ahead.

If you are in a season of "enduring" right now, I want you to know that you are exactly where you are supposed to be--not a minute too late or early. You have everything you need to achieve anything you've ever wanted.

You are smarter, stronger, and more resilient than any other species on the planet. The minute you figure that out, you are gonna run the whole damn thing anyways. 

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Boudoir, Lifestyle Stuart McConaghy Boudoir, Lifestyle Stuart McConaghy

Why I Shoot Boudoir? The Reason may surprise you

In a few days it's my birthday. Yes, I'm turning 50, and as I look forward to my 50th birthday (50 is the new 30, they tell me) I find myself looking back at many moments of my life, and in particular I look back at why I do what I do. Why I shoot Boudoir. The reasons are obvious now, but realizing why I actually shoot Boudoir blew my mind. Thinking back to my original motivation for shooting Boudoir I realize that, man, was I naive.

Wanna know how naive I am? 

When I opened the doors to my boudoir business, I didn't even consider that most women had any struggles.  I figured I'd get to see tons of pretty lingerie, and play with poses, and watch my clients live their best lives in gorgeous hair/makeup and have a ton of fun. I didn't ever, ever think that it would be anything deeper than that.

I was so wrong (go figure).  The women that I was sure had no problems, would get in the chair and break down in tears within five minutes, or would be so nervous that they hadn't slept in nights.

Some of the most beautiful women I had ever seen were in my studio, pouring out their souls about how unworthy and unattractive they thought they were.

I was floored.  Some of the most beautiful women I had ever seen were in my studio, pouring out their souls about how unworthy and unattractive they thought they were. Like, how is that possible?  I remember sitting at home on so many late nights pouring over their photos just thinking about how if these women had passed me on the street, I would have assumed their lives were perfect. That they never hurt or struggled. That because they were STUNNING, they were exempt from ever feeling bad about themselves.

Just remember as you scroll through my images and think that you could "never look like her" that even the most beautiful woman on my feed has many, many insecurities.  Just because her body is toned or her face is stunning, there is so much lurking beneath the surface that you don't see.

I would have assumed their lives were perfect.

No, you won't look like her, you will look like you. But you won't look like the version of yourself that you see each day in your bathroom mirror.  You will look like the version of you that has come alive. You will look like the version of you that has eluded you, and that has been yearning to come out and play. My styling team will transform you into that version of you that you've always wanted to be, and who has been lurking underneath the surface.

In short, I shoot Boudoir for the women who need to literally strip off they layers of everyday life, stress, and negative self image in order to find themselves again. I shoot Boudoir for the women who break down ugly-crying big, happy tears when they see their photos. And I shoot Boudoir for those women who come ALIVE and blossom like a thousand fireworks on their shoots. These women make me cry happy tears, as well, and while they marvel over the gorgeous creature in their photos, I'll stealthily squish some salty discharge from my own eyes and admire their journey. And I'd love to hear about your journey, as well.

Visit my contact page and book your dream Boudoir shoot today!

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Boudoir, Lifestyle, Photography Stuart McConaghy Boudoir, Lifestyle, Photography Stuart McConaghy

Five Reasons Why You Need To Print Your Boudoir Photos

We live our lives in the digital realm these days, but the physical world has its benefits. I’m going to go over the 5 reasons why you should print your boudoir photos, and not just leave them in a folder on your computer. 

  1. Data gets lost.

Ever updated your phone and realized your photos are gone because you forgot to do a backup? Do you remember where you keep every single file you have saved to your hard drive? I know I don’t, and I’m a digital hoarder. Sure, we can set aside time to go through our files every now and again, but frankly, I’d rather have a root canal than go digging in the digital abyss for something that so may or may not have accidentally trashed months or years ago. And what if you accidentally deleted your boudoir photos? A photo album can sit on your bookshelf, and you’ll always know where it is. Keep it wherever you want, my albums keepsake boxes are amazing decor pieces, as well.

What If You Lose Them?

  1. Digital drives become obsolete

When was the last time you saw a floppy drive on a computer? Or a CD-ROM drive? A DVD drive? Even USB drives are slowly becoming obsolete because newer computers don’t have that type of USB port anymore. A printed book won’t suddenly stop working, and will always be there for you. My beautiful handmade photo albums last for many years to come, and the amazing keepsake box it comes in will keep it pristine forever. 

  1. You forget you have them

Your photos are meant to be seen. And we tend to forget we have data on our hard disks that we put there to look at later. When we forget it’s there, we don’t look at it. And inevitably, one day you’ll upgrade your computer, and lose your images, those images you paid a lot of money for. When you know your photos are in a beautiful album, or even hanging on your wall, you’ll always be reminded of an amazingly fun day. 

  1. Albums are just awesome.

I’m a bibliophile. I like books. I love how they look, and how they feel in my hands when I’m reading. I know that I can get a lot of books in digital form, but I don’t get the same satisfaction from looking at a book, or a photo, on a screen. Printing them makes them real, tactile, and just so much cooler. 

Prints Are Awesome!

  1. Wall art just looks amazing

It’s true, having your own portrait hanging on your wall or standing on a shelf, that’s just an amazing sight to wake up to every morning. My wall art is made of metal and is ready to hang on your wall. The metal prints look so great, like the image just wants to jump off the print. Simply gorgeous, you’ll love how you look on metal. And just imagine yourself on a print bigger than most big screen televisions! 

I have put together a lot of beautiful products that my clients go absolutely gaga over, and I'm certain you'll love them as well. Oh, and by the way, if you purchase one of my collections you'll get the digitals included at no additional cost. They're in ready to share on social media sizes, because if it's not on Facebook did it really happen?

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Boudoir, Lifestyle Stuart McConaghy Boudoir, Lifestyle Stuart McConaghy

Why A Post-Divorce Boudoir Session Is So Important

Yep, the D word. It's not a pleasant time, and we wouldn't wish it upon anyone to have to go through something as traumatic as that. Let's face it, it's no one's goal. But whether you're absolutely stoked to have cast off the toxicity of your ex, or you're having a tough time rebuilding your life and finding happiness again, there are ways to help you cope with this new milestone in your life. One of these ways is a post-divorce Boudoir session.

It's time to take care of you

Sure, it's not always a positive experience, but whether we like it or not, life goes on, and we still have our needs. One of those needs is to feel like we're human again. Feel like we're beautiful, desirable, and lovable. Some might find it weird to celebrate a divorce, but when you're heading back into the dating pool, or just trying to hold your head a little higher, it's time to embrace this newfound freedom and do something you've never done before.

Maybe you're celebrating your bucket list

Maybe you're done taking shit from someone

Maybe you want to feel beautiful again

Maybe you just want to feel like a woman again.

Maybe you just want some extra hot photos of your fabulous self to post on your dating app of choice and get that dream partner who appreciates you!

Whatever your reasons are, a post-divorce Boudoir session is an amazing way to shake off the dust of the past and start a new chapter in your life. There's something incredibly liberating about shedding your skin, so to speak, and letting your true self come out to play. And it's play time, ladies. Get out there and live. And let me know that you're gifting yourself a post divorce boudoir session, and I'll have the bubbly chilled! Just head over to our contact page and get in touch!

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Boudoir, Lifestyle Stuart McConaghy Boudoir, Lifestyle Stuart McConaghy

The Biggest Myths About Boudoir

One of the biggest lies we hear about Boudoir... You have to have a “perfect” body to do it! False! 

You don't need to lose weight. Embracing your body and learning self-love is what we strive for. We won't try to Photoshop every single thing you hate about yourself, although we might remove that tattoo with your ex's name on it if you ask us to. Instead, we work around big 'no-nos' with flattering posing and lighting. You don't need to change a single thing about yourself! This is a wonderful way to show you how gorgeous you truly are. 

Another huge myth about Boudoir: They're just raunchy photos.

It's so much more than that. Of course, if you want raunchy photos we can make that happen. Boudoir is an experience that teaches body empowerment and celebrating the skin you're in. 

Fact: You don't have to do Boudoir as a gift to your partner. Do it for yourself! It's all about self-worth and investing in YOU. A Boudoir shoot will show you how beautiful you really are.

Did you know you don't have to tell anyone or show anyone you did Boudoir if you're not comfortable with it? We will keep you confidential if you prefer. Nobody has to know if you don't want them to. It can be private, or you can share it! The choice is yours. 

Another huge fib we often hear about Boudoir:

Only women can do it. NO! Any person should definitely look into Boudoir. ALL bodies are loved!

There is no such thing as the perfect Boudoir body. All bodies are loved!

And another myth: I’m too old so I can’t do a Boudoir shoot.

Anyone can do it. You are never too old for Boudoir. There is no such thing as a perfect body. It's time to delete these negative thoughts out of your head.

You've heard all the myths about doing Boudoir. You might be scared of what others might think if they find out you did a session. But regardless, why not do it... simply for the fact you might enjoy it? And what's so scary about having fun and loving yourself?

You might even enjoy it too much, that you book another session. Maybe so much so, you book sessions throughout the year. In fact, my biggest collection package already includes a second shoot!

To make a change and to just go for it, is by booking. Book it and prepare. Take it day by day. You'll know exactly why everyone falls for Boudoir when it comes go-time. 

You WILL look beautiful, and you have people who support your decision and boudoir journey. What would it hurt?

Matching yourself with the right professional photographer will be your best guide throughout it all. We are here to make you comfortable and to believe in yourself. Before, during, and after your photo shoot, you'll be so glad you finally made the move. 

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Boudoir, Lifestyle Stuart McConaghy Boudoir, Lifestyle Stuart McConaghy

Why Boudoir Shoots Are A Treat For YOU!

Raise your hand if you always come ‘thiiiis-close’ to booking a boudoir shoot, but then talk yourself out of it?

Maybe you’ve come as far as actually reaching out for info, or maybe you just scroll and scroll–you stare at the portraits, you get lost in the captions, you think about all the reasons why this CANNOT be you. You aren’t as skinny as this girl, you don’t have the sultry stare of that girl, you don’t think you can afford it, you don’t have anyone to ‘gift’ the images to…and the list goes on.

Can we just land that side plane before it crashes? Lemme speak some truth to you today mkay? If we are gonna get really honest, it’s not about the money. With my flexible payment plans, this experience is 100% affordable. It’s not about the outfits, or the location, or about having no one to give them to. The reason you haven’t booked, is because you haven’t really committed to figuring out your “why”….you need a WHY that is strong enough to make you push PAST all of the EXCUSES.

The ONLY difference between YOU and any client who has been in front of my camera, is figuring out WHY you want/need to do this for YOURSELF. Not for him, or her—for YOU. You see, everyone I’ve ever photographed has been just as nervous, just as worried about the investment, just as scared that they couldn’t pull it off—-but their WHY outweighed their EXCUSES.

Why We Shoot Boudoir

Some of the WHY’s from I hear often:
-‘To heal from all of emotional abuse I’ve experienced in the past, both from romantic relationships and from my parents. I want to see myself for who I am, not for who they say I am.’
-‘To finally be able to see in myself what all of my loved ones see.’
-‘To do something for myself. I always do for others and I’m always on the back burner. Not today.’
-‘To do something out of my comfort zone. I need to know that I can still be sexy and be a mom of four + a wife.’
-‘To remind myself that I am desirable and hot AF even though I haven’t had a date in years.’

I want you to sit with yourself and this question: “WHY do I REALLY want to do this?” Once you DECIDE to commit to that why, the excuses are going to evaporate.

Lemme ask you this question: What is worse? A few nerves leading up to this experience, or a lifetime of wishing you’d gone for it and wondering what could have come from it if you had?

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Boudoir, Lifestyle Stuart McConaghy Boudoir, Lifestyle Stuart McConaghy

Is Body Insecurity Holding You Back From Boudoir?

Ladies, let’s have a show of hands: How many of you have thought about a boudoir session, but never reached out because body insecurity is holding you back?

That many? Whew, that's more than I thought.

How many of you reached out, came sooo close to booking, but felt like you weren’t in good enough shape/skinny enough so you didn’t pull the trigger? 

How many of you worry that you aren’t cut out for boudoir because you have dimples/rolls/a c-section or mama belly/wrinkles/fill- in-the-blank? 

I just want you to know that any feelings or concerns you ever have about yourself or this experience is seen and heard. I never want to invalidate your feelings.
But… are you exhausted? Tired of letting feelings about your body hold you back from some of life’s most beautiful experiences? Weary from picking yourself apart every dang chance you get?

I want to show you a better way. I want you to see the truth that even with dimples and bumps and lumps and rolls, you are hot AF. Love, it’s true. Boudoir isn’t *JUST* for washboard abs and a booty you could bounce a quarter off of (though they are beautiful too). Boudoir is *ESPECIALLY* for our gorgeous curvaceous divas.

Photoshop is a band-aid

Sure, I could body alter the heck out of you. Photoshop you to perfection, take away every part of you that you hate, instantly drop you 4 pant sizes. But what happens when the next day, you look in the mirror, and the REAL you is staring back at you? You’d be back at square one, because you wouldn’t have learned to value, love, and celebrate the person you ARE. Photoshop is a band-aid, but it’s not going to heal what is broken.

Boudoir is so much less about the pictures, and so much MORE about internal transformation. It’s about you just showing up, celebrating who you are TODAY, and giving yourself some room to breathe and grow.

Stop telling yourself that you are only going to love yourself if you don’t have rolls. Stop saying that you will only be beautiful in a photograph if you are photoshopped or airbrushed. It isn’t true, so don’t accept it..

Your worth is defined by whatever YOU say it is. Shift the narrative. Break the cycle. Self love is a CHOICE, so make the right one.

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Boudoir, Lifestyle, Photography Stuart McConaghy Boudoir, Lifestyle, Photography Stuart McConaghy

5 Reasons to Consider Hiring a Male Boudoir Photographer

Boudoir empowers. Boudoir emboldens and gives confidence. I believe in it to its core. While it is most common to have a woman photographer, I want to share a few reasons you should consider hiring a male boudoir photographer for your experience.

The Male Gaze

1. Men and women typically see women differently.  Through a different set of experiences, a different mentality, and a different intent/goals. What men find sexy and what women find sexy are typically different things. A woman might say something like, "That old tank top? That isn't sexy."  But a man might say that that old tank top is his favorite outfit on you, because he thinks you're at your most beautiful when you're casual and off guard.

Feedback From A Guy's Perspective

2. I've been told that since my clients are getting these portraits as a gift for their husband, they want a man's opinion and perspective.  
Me:  "Which pictures do you want in your gift album?"  
Her:  "You pick them out since you are a guy, you will know what he likes more than I will!" 
In the same vein if I needed to get a gift for my wife I would probably ask a woman for advice too. Although she'll probably kill me for not knowing what she wants!

A Familiar Dynamic

3. A common consensus is that it can be easier for a woman to show her sexy side in front of the camera with a male photographer because it's a dynamic they are somewhat familiar with.  


4. Playboy, FHM, Maxim, and Sports Illustrated Swim Suit Edition are mostly shot by male photographers. Boudoir as an industry is dominated by women photographers because of the perception that the client and her spouse will feel more comfortable if they are shot by a woman. Know that both male and female photographers are focusing on posing, lighting, emotion and experience. We are really not looking at 'you' but at creating the best images. I promise you will have a comfortable, fun and professional experience.  

Find the best photographer

5. Find the photographer who makes you feel accepted, sexy, and with a style you can't resist.  They will leave you on cloud 9 reminding you that you are beautiful, powerful, sexy and special. The photographer should be the best at their craft and make you feel relaxed and comfortable above all.  

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