Why I Shoot Boudoir? The Reason may surprise you

In a few days it's my birthday. Yes, I'm turning 50, and as I look forward to my 50th birthday (50 is the new 30, they tell me) I find myself looking back at many moments of my life, and in particular I look back at why I do what I do. Why I shoot Boudoir. The reasons are obvious now, but realizing why I actually shoot Boudoir blew my mind. Thinking back to my original motivation for shooting Boudoir I realize that, man, was I naive.

Wanna know how naive I am? 

When I opened the doors to my boudoir business, I didn't even consider that most women had any struggles.  I figured I'd get to see tons of pretty lingerie, and play with poses, and watch my clients live their best lives in gorgeous hair/makeup and have a ton of fun. I didn't ever, ever think that it would be anything deeper than that.

I was so wrong (go figure).  The women that I was sure had no problems, would get in the chair and break down in tears within five minutes, or would be so nervous that they hadn't slept in nights.

Some of the most beautiful women I had ever seen were in my studio, pouring out their souls about how unworthy and unattractive they thought they were.

I was floored.  Some of the most beautiful women I had ever seen were in my studio, pouring out their souls about how unworthy and unattractive they thought they were. Like, how is that possible?  I remember sitting at home on so many late nights pouring over their photos just thinking about how if these women had passed me on the street, I would have assumed their lives were perfect. That they never hurt or struggled. That because they were STUNNING, they were exempt from ever feeling bad about themselves.

Just remember as you scroll through my images and think that you could "never look like her" that even the most beautiful woman on my feed has many, many insecurities.  Just because her body is toned or her face is stunning, there is so much lurking beneath the surface that you don't see.

I would have assumed their lives were perfect.

No, you won't look like her, you will look like you. But you won't look like the version of yourself that you see each day in your bathroom mirror.  You will look like the version of you that has come alive. You will look like the version of you that has eluded you, and that has been yearning to come out and play. My styling team will transform you into that version of you that you've always wanted to be, and who has been lurking underneath the surface.

In short, I shoot Boudoir for the women who need to literally strip off they layers of everyday life, stress, and negative self image in order to find themselves again. I shoot Boudoir for the women who break down ugly-crying big, happy tears when they see their photos. And I shoot Boudoir for those women who come ALIVE and blossom like a thousand fireworks on their shoots. These women make me cry happy tears, as well, and while they marvel over the gorgeous creature in their photos, I'll stealthily squish some salty discharge from my own eyes and admire their journey. And I'd love to hear about your journey, as well.

Visit my contact page and book your dream Boudoir shoot today!

Stuart McConaghy

Hello, I'm Stuart McConaghy, owner and photographer at Elm City Boudoir. As a devoted husband, pet parent, and former professional drummer, I bring a unique perspective to capturing your essence through my lens. Currently training as a sound bath therapist, I look forward to providing you with a memorable and empowering photography experience.


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